November Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Headwaters Landlord Association Board of Directors Meeting

Date:  November 14, 2013

Call to order:  
5:03 pm, Lueken’s North Deli Room
Secretary/Treasurer Harry Aylesworth presiding
Members in attendance:
Andrew Erholtz, Terry Duy, Kathy Guess, Harry Aylesworth, Duane Sea
Members not in attendance:
Lorrie Richardson, Jeff Grabowski
Secretary report:
Obtain minutes from Lori.
Treasurer report:
Harry provided a copy of the Treasurer’s report and reported seven membership renewals received.  No expenses reported.  Motion:  Moved by Duane to approve 11/14/13 treasurer report.  Seconded by Andrew.  Motion carried.

Old Business:
None discussed.

New Business:

  • Board Member Reassignments

  • Duane Sea relinquish President duties now presides as a Board Member

  • Harry Aylesworth relinquish Treasurer duties now presides as President

  • Terry Duy relinquish Secretary duties now presides as a Board Member

  • Kathy Guess remains Vice President

  • Dave Kaufman assigned to Secretary/Treasurer duties

  • Andrew Erholtz remains as a Board Member

  • Lorrie Richardson remains as a Board Member

  • Jeff Grabowski remains as a Board Member

Transfer First National Bank Bemidji account authorization from Andrew Erholtz and Duane Sea to Dave Kaufman and Harry Aylesworth.

Note Taker:
Dave’s wife (Aimee) will attend all meeting and take notes.  She will be reimbursed $50 per meeting.  She will email Board Members for review and approval.  She will provide a copy approved minutes for each meeting and put them on website.  

Member List Database:
Andrew and Dave will get together 11/26/13 to consolidate all members into one spreadsheet.  Would like to get this into a database (possibly Microsoft Access) that all can use.  Dave will ask Aimee if she can enter and maintain this database.  

Vendor Program:
Discussion about if HLA should actively pursue having Associate Members.  A past Board Meeting suggested after a lack of support to keep this voluntary.  If the members are interested in being members they could give presentations at general board meetings and obtain membership list.  Motion:  Moved by Harry to have a two year associate membership for $100.  Seconded by Duane.  Motion carried. 

Next General Meeting:
Duane checking to see if Beltrami Electric meeting room available.
Topic is eviction.
Harry will contact Drahos Kieson and Christopher to see if an attorney (Jeremy) would be interested in presenting from question posed from HLA.
Duane will contact Judge Harrington to see if he would be interested in presenting why landlords fail to achieve eviction.

Next BOD meeting:  January 16th 2014, 5pm Lueken’s North Deli
For next meeting:  Come up with questions to ask attorney and judge.
Next General HLA Meeting:  January 23rd 2014, 7pm

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 pm

March Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Headwaters Landlord Association Board of Directors Meeting

Date: March 21, 2013

Call to order: A Board of Directors meeting of the Headwaters Landlord Association was held in The Cabin Coffeehouse and Café, Bemidji, Minnesota on March 21, 2013. The meeting convened at 3:15 pm, Vice-President Kathy Guess, presiding, and Jessica Sarauer, note taker.
Members in attendance: Andrew Erholtz, Kathy Guess, Lorrie Richardson, Terry Duy

Members not in attendance: Harry Aylesworth (excused), Jeff Janiksela (excused), Duane Sea (excused)
Motion: Moved by Andrew to approve consent agenda.  Seconded by Jeff G.   Motion carried.
Treasurer report: A Treasurer report was not provided as Harry was absent from the meeting. Kathy gave an update on the tax information.  In 2011 she delivered accounting information to Mark Elliot (he also did the work for the non-profit status).  Mark sent a letter to the IRS, and the IRS said that the HLA could file within a certain period of time.  Kathy contacted Mark again and he explained that when new non-profit files their first taxes; the IRS wants to have a few years’ worth of taxes consolidated.  This gives the IRS a better look at the organization.  We should be able to file with 2 years of information.  We will also have to file an equivalent to the 990 Form (about 100 questions to answer).  As soon as Harry gets the 2012 tax information to Mark, Mark will send the information to the IRS.  We have 3 years to file.  

The group feels that there should be duplicate copies of important documents.

Motion: Moved by Lorrie to make copies of pertinent financial documents to store in Andrew’s office.  Seconded by Jeff G.   Motion carried.  

Terry handed in a $50 check from our newest member – Kelly Larson.

Lorrie brought up another tax issue with the vendor brochure printings – North Star Publishing said that we don’t have to pay for the tax of the service, if we provide them with a non-profit tax exempt number (which we may not have).  A special thanks to Lorrie for doing the vendor brochures.

Committee Reports

Membership List Committee

  • Kathy is concerned about new members who’ve never gotten an email from the HLA.  We need to make sure that every member, who has an email address, needs to be on the email list.  Andrew said we need a current list.  Lorrie suggested having a master copy of every member’s information at the next general meeting for people to verify that their information is correct.  Kathy wants to seriously consider investing in a database and having copies for all the Board members.

Membership Book Committee

  • Lorrie reported that we have to get information from vendor applications to put in the membership booklet. The Board decided to use the Bemidji Garden Club’s format. The booklet committee is moving forward and would like to have a deadline to have all vendor applications back to Lorrie by the end of April to be able to send the membership booklet to print.

Vendor List

  • Each Board member will take some vendor applications and hand them out. Andrew and Terry will take the extras and store them.

Upcoming Seminars

  • Lorrie handed out a handout on a Smoke Free Housing Seminar to be held April 4, 2013 in Walker at Chase on the Lake.  The start time is 12:00 pm.  This seminar outlines the procedure you have to follow to transition into smoke free housing.  This information will be posted on the webpage.

  • Kathy mentioned a Fair Housing Seminar to be held at Beltrami Electric on April 18, 2013 from 1-4 pm. The cost of this seminar is $59 for non MHA members.  This information is also posted on the webpage.

General Meeting Agenda

  • The Board decided to have a parking update from a member of the Joint Planning Board.  It was determined to invite them to talk for 10 minutes and have 20 minutes for discussion.  Kathy or Duane will be contacting Myana about presenting at the general meeting.  Jerry Linke will also be invited to attend to answer questions.

  • .  This will allow time to work with the fire department and October is fire prevention month. The board members are passing around the video so that they all can see it.

  • The topic for the general meeting was decided as “Advertising for Tenants.”  Andrew will be presenting the topics of computer listings, newspaper, and other types of advertising.  There will be a handout and computer demonstrations.

  • The Board decided not to cover selecting tenants this meeting, but decided to have a review of highlights from the Fair Housing Seminar.  Kathy and Jeff G. are going to try and go to the seminar.

  • Kathy suggested getting a save the date for the meeting out soon.

  • Information about the book (How to be the Smartest Renter on the Block) will also be announced again at the meeting.

Next general meeting: April 25, 2013, Beltrami Electric, 7:00 pm Board members are to arrive at 6 pm for A/V setup and last minute detail planning.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:38 pm.  

Minutes submitted by Jessica Sarauer.

February Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Headwaters Landlord Association Board of Directors Meeting

Date: February 21, 2013

Call to order: A Board of Directors meeting of the Headwaters Landlord Association was held in The Cabin Coffeehouse and Café, Bemidji, Minnesota on January 17, 2013. The meeting convened at 3:05 pm, President Duane Sea, presiding, and Jessica Sarauer, note taker.
Members in attendance: Andrew Erholtz, Kathy Guess, Duane Sea, Lorrie Richardson, Harry Aylesworth, Jeff Janiksela
Members not in attendance: Terry Duy (excused), Jeff Grabowski (excused)
Welcome: Duane welcomed all members to the meeting and handed out an agenda.
Approval of Minutes: Motion: Moved by Andrew to approve the minutes.  Seconded by Kathy. Motion carried.
Treasurer report:
A copy of the Treasurer’s report was handed out.  Three new membership payments had been made since the last meeting.  This brought up the topic of the PayPal account.  There is $100 in a PayPal account that needs to be requested to be put into the HLA bank account.  The PayPal account as set up by Mona Carter and the HLA does not have any official information from PayPal about accessing money.  Andrew will contact Mona Carter on retrieving the PayPal information.  Kathy suggested putting the names of the new members on the Treasurer report.  Harry requested a process for new membership so that everyone has an updated list of membership.  Andrew will become the Membership Chair.  Andrew will receive membership payment information from Harry and Andrew will update a membership list.  Duane questioned if people received receipts, Kathy gave people receipts and now Harry sent out invoices.  Harry also suggested having a membership card for each member’s information so if information is missing, there would be an easy way to find out how to contact the member.  Motion: Moved by Kathy to approve the treasurer report.  Seconded by Andrew.   Motion carried.  

New business:
Software Available for Management of Rentals

  • Duane said that some landlords are wondering what type of software programs do other landlords use. He then asked everyone what they used.  Kathy uses Quicken Premier Business Version and keeps a spreadsheet.  Jeff J. made his own system using his Canon scanner that has a program for rentals that is linked to each person’s file.  He also uses Excel.  Harry uses QuickBooks and mentioned that it does everything.  He has it setup to categorize each property by class and it integrates into the checkbook.  He also mentioned it was very simple and easy to use.  Andrew uses Tenant File.  Duane questioned if this was a good topic for discussion at the general meeting.  Andrew said it might be a good topic and Jeff J. suggested that a 10 minute tutorial might be helpful.

Implications of partial Payment of Rent/Evictions

  • Duane knows someone who has a tenant who wants to pay partial payment and Duane couldn’t remember the details.  Kathy explained that if you accept partial payment, you might not be allowed to evict the tenant.  She went on to say that accepting a partial payment is problematic and you might be obligated to accept a partial payment again.  This issue is something to have as a clause in the rental agreement and you should get a signature.  She suggested that this topic was something that could be discussed further.

Number of non-related occupants (ASAP)

  • This topic was brought up at the last meeting by John Peterson.  Right now the number of non-related occupants allowed in one unit is 4. Some people feel that if there is adequate parking and extra bedrooms, more than 4 non-related people should be allowed to live in one residence.  Kathy talked to Jerry Linke (city inspector) and he agrees that the ordinance is not good and if there is adequate space, fill it.  He wanted just 1 parking space per bedroom and he mentioned that the city is trying to compromise.  It was also cleared up that significant others count as family.  Harry suggested asking the membership what that wanted to do as in taking a stance.  The Joint Planning Board is going to make a decision and Harry suggested that someone could join the task force focused on rental property (including this issue).

Agenda for April Meeting

  • Duane asked what would be discussed at the April General Meeting.  Kathy suggested inviting people from the Joint Planning Board and the City to give an update on the non-related occupants capacity issue.  A representative from both would be important to have because the Joint Planning Board determines the parking decision and the City of Bemidji determines the occupant number decisions.  Kathy suggested inviting Mayana from the Joint Planning Board and either Mike from the City or the City Manager (Harry suggested getting someone who has the authority and who was at the meeting).  Lorrie asked if the HLA should take action before the general meeting to see what was happening.  Duane brought up the point that there are two sides to this story – some have extra space, but others see it as an overcrowding, noise and parking issue.  He said we need the input of members and Kathy agreed.  Duane said that maybe the HLA doesn’t need to take a stand on either side of the issue, but keep the membership informed on the issue.  

  • Kathy suggested going back to the original plan for the meeting’s agenda, which was marketing and selecting good tenants.  The HLA could still invite Mayana and the city representative as well for an update.

  • Duane informed the group that the Beltrami Electric meeting room was already taken for the 3rd Thursday of April.  The Board decided to do the meeting a week later (April 25th) and Duane called to reserve the room.  The next general meeting will be April 25, 2013 at Beltrami Electric, 7 pm.

  • Kathy reminded everyone of the email she sent out earlier about the Fair Housing Seminar at Beltrami Electric on April 19, 2013.  The cost is $59.  

  • The agenda will be finalized at the next Board meeting.

Old business:
County Surveys

  • Duane hasn’t heard anything back about the surveys, but it sounds like the county is not going to pursue it.

Fire in the Home

  • Duane hasn’t heard anything from KARE and they do not return his phone calls.  The Bemidji Fire Chief hasn’t heard anything either.  Duane does have the program recorded on this DVR, so he is going to try and get it recorded onto a video tape via his VCR.

Tax Filing

  • Harry asked if we are required to file anything for taxes. Kathy said she has talked to Mark Elliot and hasn’t heard back from him about last year’s taxes, so it hasn’t been done. Taxes have to be reported or we lose non-profit status. Mark has all the information for 2011 taxes, so Kathy suggested having him file 2011 and 2012.  Duane will talk to Mark Elliot tomorrow.

Trifold Vendor Brochures

  • Lorrie updated the Board on the brochures.  She asked for an approval to have $100 to spend to pay for the brochures.  Motion: Moved by Kathy to authorize printing of vendor brochures at a cost not to exceed $100 executed by Lorrie. Seconded by Andrew.  Motion carried.  

Membership Certificates/Cards

  • Andrew passed around membership card samples.  Most members liked the card with the darkest watermark.  He also showed a certificate example.  Members suggested adding an expiration date and to have the words “President” and “Vice President” under the lines to be signed.  The certificates should also be on cardstock.

Next BOD meeting: March 21, 2013, Cabin Coffeehouse and Café, 3:00 pm
Next general meeting: April 25, 2013, Beltrami Electric, 7:00 pm
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:23 pm.  

Minutes submitted by Jessica Sarauer.

January Quarterly General Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Headwaters Landlord Association Quarterly General Meeting

Date: January 24, 2013

Call to order: A quarterly general meeting of the Headwaters Landlord Association was held at Beltrami County Electric, Bemidji, Minnesota on January 24, 2013. The meeting convened at 7:03 pm, President Duane Sea, presiding, and Jessica Sarauer, note taker.
Board Members in attendance: Andrew Erholtz, Terry Duy, Kathy Guess, Duane Sea
Board Members not in attendance: Jeff Janiksela, Lorrie Richardson (excused), Harry Aylesworth (excused), Jeff Grabowski (excused)
Welcome: Duane welcomed all members to the meeting, thanked them for coming, and handed out an agenda.
Approval of Minutes: Duane mentioned that last meetings minutes were posted on the website.
Treasurer report: Duane gave an update on the treasurer’s report.  There is a balance of $1637.00.  He also told the members that the Board voted to not use a banner ad to advertise for this general meeting.
Membership Report Update:  Terry gave an update on the membership.  The Association has taken in a few new members, one even joined online using the website.  Most previous members have renewed their membership, but some are no longer interested.  As of this meeting there are 54 paid members.  Duane mentioned that membership can be difficult to maintain, but he thought the HLA was doing well.  He said that a way to get more potential members would be by asking the city of Bemidji for an updated list of landlords and property managers.  
Panel discussion: What I learned from, How to be the Smartest Tenant on your Block
Duane and Harry went to the Evergreen Conference and received a book that informed them about a lot of issues landlords should be aware of.  Duane, Kathy, and Andrew all presented things that they learned from the meeting (Duane) and from reading the book (Kathy and Andrew).  
Duane talked about month-to-month leases and there was a discussion on what others in the crowd did and why.  His next topic was also about leases, he informed the group that you must return a copy of the lease to the tenant and if you do not, no part of the lease is valid (he also emphasized having the tenants sign off that they got the lease).  He next talked about repairs and that the landlord has 14 days from the time the landlord is notified of the problem to respond and Kathy informed everyone that if you don’t respond, the tenants can escrow the rent.  The last thing Duane mentioned was pertaining to snow removal and lawn care.  If a landlord requires a tenant to do snow removal and lawn care they must compensate the tenant at fair market value and it is recommended that the landlord have a worker’s compensation policy if the tenant were injured while doing snow removal and lawn care activities.
Andrew made a disclaimer that anything said here is not legal advice and Kathy added that we all have expertise and flaws.
Kathy spoke next and informed everyone of what she includes for clauses addendums on her lease.  She handed out a copy of the list, a copy of the Crime Free/Drug Free Addendum, and a lead-based paint disclosure form.  The addendums she puts on her leases are the lead-based paint disclosure form (she also hands out the colored booklet), the Crime Free/Drug Free Addendum, a copy of the city of Bemidji rental permit, and a move-out cleaning list.  The Crime Free/Drug Free Addendum is required by the City of Bemidji, and the Lead-based paint disclosure and booklet are required by the state for rentals built before 1978.  The move-out cleaning list sparked discussion into what you can take out of a security deposit and about fee schedules for cleaning.  It was determined that is best to have a set fee.  To give yourself enough time to clean up after a tenant who did not do the best job cleaning, Andrew mentioned having an 11 am checkout time and a 3 pm move in time the next day, so you have an entire day to clean things up.  Kathy also mentioned the clauses she puts on her lease – she has a 3 day notice to evict that she has the landlord and tenant sign, she has a $50 deduction from deposit if rental permit is missing (the cost of obtaining a new permit), and a clause saying that tenants must comply with all regulations of the City of Bemidji Rental Housing Ordinance.
Andrew talked about an experience with noise trouble.  He has his tenants sign that they will be quiet after a certain time and won’t have parties.  Other neighbors complained about noise levels (twice), so Andrew had them fill out a complaint form and Andrew took that over to the noisy neighbors.  He was able to evict them within days.  He stated that it is best to sign a mutual contract of breaking the lease instead of eviction and Kathy added to try to settle without going to court.  Andrew’s next topic was carpet cleaning and what you can charge for.  You can’t charge for cleaning if the damage is normal wear and tear.  Kathy added that you can’t have a pre-determined fee from a security deposit.  Duane emphasized on stating things as fees because deposit means that some money will go back to the tenant.  
Duane mentioned that you can never profit from penalizing your tenants.  If you have a bounced check, you cannot charge over $30.00 and if your rental permit is missing, you can only charge $50.00.  Andrew also stated at when charging late rent fees, Minnesota statute allows only up to 8% of what is unpaid of the rent (for one month).  Terry asked if there was a quick eviction for pet infractions and Kathy mentioned the best way is to take action right away and give a written notice.  Duane said it is harder to prove for unauthorized people living in the house. The last thing mentioned in the panel was shared meters for electricity and gas.  Duane says that if you charge the tenant, you have to have in the lease how you are going to apportion the charges and you have to provide history of the charges.  He also mentioned that if you have tenant pay for gas and electric, and there is someone else on the meter (not paying), the landlord can face a penalty of $500 and three times the amount the tenant paid.  
The book discussed in the panel can be purchased for $20.00.

Old Business:
Associate Membership

  • When Associate members join, their membership will go through June 30, 2014.  This needs to be changed on the forms.  Terry will make the changes on the forms.

Next Meeting
The next general meeting will be April 18, 2013 at Beltrami Electric at 7 pm.  The next Board of Directors meeting will be February 21, 2013.

New Business:
CRP Forms

  • The CRP forms need to be out by the 31st of January.

Minnesota Energy Resources 4U2 Program

  • Kathy introduced the Minnesota Energy Resources 4U2 Program and explained the program. It is a tenant’s income-based program that will give up to $5000.00 for improvements (there might be a $150 copay).  All they have to have to apply is a copy of a recent energy bill, verification of income, and a permission letter from the landlord.  Kathy has received a new water heater and an insulated attic in some of her rentals and one of Andrew’s rentals got a new boiler.

  • Kathy also mentioned a new program for buildings with 5 units or more. In this program the landlord can volunteer to have an audit and the company will do the audit, give you $150.00, and also give recommendations of what you can do to make your building more energy efficient. Andrew will email the Minnesota Energy Resources 4U2 Program application, the lead booklet, and info for getting the panel discussion book to all members.

County Survey

  • Duane handed out a letter from the County Assessor’s Office that he received. The letter inquired about rental units and rental levels.  Duane said there is no obligation for landlords to fill this survey out and send back.

Fire in the Home

  • Duane saw this program on KARE and requested a DVD.  From this program Duane learned that grease fires have a higher rate of incidence in apartments and rentals in general.  This program also gave a lot of tips on fire prevention. He mentioned a product called Stove Top Fire Stop, which consists of two little canisters on the stove vent that automatically go off when there is a fire.  Each costs $25 dollars, but the HLA could work with the Fire Department and get a grant to get these for members (could possibly get Stove Top Fire Stop for all people who want them as well). HLA is going to work with the Fire Department to find a grant to give the Stove Top Fire Stops.

Number of Tenants Limit

  • John Peterson spoke with the city inspectors (Mike Miller, Jerry Linke, and Joe Swenson) about increasing the number of tenants allowed to live in one house because of rising utility cost.  As of right now, only 4 unrelated people can live in a house, even if there are more bedrooms and room in general to fit more people.  The city inspectors agreed with John that suggested that the HLA could come up with something to present to the City Council, maybe the rule could be changed.  John said he could get tenants to come to the meeting in support and Kathy mentioned getting realtors involved.  Duane said the Board of Directors will take up John’s request.

Next BOD meeting: February 21, 2013, Cabin Coffeehouse and Café, 3:00 pm
Next general meeting: April 18, 2013, Beltrami Electric, 7:00 pm
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 pm.  Motion: Moved by Terry to adjourn.  Seconded by Kathy.   Motion carried.

Minutes submitted by Jessica Sarauer.

January Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Headwaters Landlord Association Board of Directors Meeting

Date: January 17, 2013

Call to order: A Board of Directors meeting of the Headwaters Landlord Association was held in The Cabin Coffeehouse and Café, Bemidji, Minnesota on January 17, 2013. The meeting convened at 3:06 pm, President Duane Sea, presiding, and Jessica Sarauer, note taker.
Members in attendance: Andrew Erholtz, Terry Duy, Kathy Guess, Duane Sea, Lorrie Richardson, Harry Aylesworth, Jeff Grabowski

Members not in attendance: Jeff Janiksela

Welcome: Duane welcomed all members to the meeting and handed out an agenda.
Secretary report: Harry passed around a copy of the minutes.  Motion: Moved by Duane to approve the minutes.  Seconded by Harry.   Motion carried.
Treasurer report: Harry provided a copy of the Treasurer’s report.  Since the last meeting, eight more members have renewed their memberships by paying dues. Motion: Moved by Andrew to approve the treasurer report.  Seconded by Terry.   Motion carried.

Old business:

Membership Report Update

  • Not all old members have renewed their dues.  It was suggested the Board members could call those you have not renewed and encourage them to come to the general meeting, join again, and determine why they have not renewed their membership.  A list of these members will be put together and the Board members will call non-renewed members.

Meeting Comments Disclaimer

  • At the beginning of the next general meeting a disclaimer will be stated concerning comments from members to notify the general membership that the comments from members are their own personal opinions, biases, and experiences, and are not necessarily the stance of the Headwaters Landlord Association.

Banner Ad

  • A banner ad for the quarterly meeting would cost 200 dollars.  The Board decided to not have a banner ad for this meeting, but to call members, email members, and update the website about the next meeting.  Terry will call members on Monday.

Agenda for January 24 Quarterly Meeting

  • The panel will consist of Kathy and Duane and Andrew will be the moderator.  They were unable to meet before this meeting, but will meet Monday at 11 am at the Wild Hare Bistro.

  • Topics

    • Leases and Leasing (Clauses you need in leases to protect yourself)

Snow removal and lawn moving issues

Security deposits and interest on deposits

Lead Disclosure

Address posting in rental agreement for evictions

Tenant’s Rights Handbook availability

Notices for lease renewal

Taking fees from security deposits

    • Minnesota Energy Resources 4U2 Program

Policy changes

    • Crime Free/Drug Free addendum

  • Handouts to members will include a list of topics, Minnesota Energy Resources 4U2 Program application, and Crime Free/Drug Free literature.

  • Lorrie inquired about group communication.  Suggested communication types include email, webpage, Facebook, phone calls, etc. Harry mentioned that Facebook can get very time consuming.  Kathy suggested asking the membership at the next meeting.

  • The Board will collect the numbers of rental units that the Headwaters Landlord Association represents anonymously from each member.  Members can elect out of sharing this information.

  • Others topics that won’t be covered at this general meeting, but are potential for the Spring meeting are screening, marketing, and evictions.


·         Lorrie updated the Board on the membership brochure.  The committee is attempting to have a booklet ready by the general meeting.  The booklet will be mailed to members when they pay their dues, along with the booklet will be a membership card and other information. 

·         Lorrie was wondering if the HLA member’s names and contact information could go into the booklet.  Kathy suggested asking the membership at the next meeting to see if they would be willing to share their information in the booklet.  Harry suggested getting this information (phone number, address, email, etc,) from sending about a membership form.  A presentation will be given at the general meeting about the renewal membership package during the new business portion of the meeting.

·         The booklet timeline is as follows: introduced at January meeting, membership information filled out at April meeting, those who don’t come to that meeting will be emailed the membership form, and those you don’t respond via email will be mailed the form.

·         Harry suggested allowing associate members to put an ad in the booklet.

·         The vendor brochure will not be ready by general meeting.  The vendor brochure will be a trifold brochure with the third panel being an application (removable with a perforated edge).  They are printing 250 vendor brochures that the Board members will handout to potential vendors.  The vendor brochures will be available for general member distribution at the April 18th meeting.  Andrew mentioned he would be willing to type of a quick vendor brochure for the next general meeting.

New business:

County Survey

·         Duane handed out a letter from the County Assessor’s Office that he received.  The letter inquired about rental units and rental levels.  Duane said there is no obligation for landlords to fill this survey out and send back.

Fire in the Home

·         Duane saw this program on KARE and requested a DVD.  From this program Duane learned that grease fires have a higher rate of incidence in apartments and rentals in general.  This program also gave a lot of tips on fire prevention.  He mentioned a product called Stove Top Fire Stop, which is two little canisters on the stove vent that automatically go off when there is a fire.  Each costs $25 dollars, but the HLA could work with the Fire Department and get a grant to get these for members (could possibly get Stove Top Fire Stop for all people who want them as well).  The Board will ask for support for the grant at the next general meeting.  There could also be a showing of the video at a meeting (Harry mentioned showing the video before the meeting at 6:30) if there is interest.  Other areas of concern for fire in the home include Christmas trees and candles.

Spring Quarterly General Meeting Date

·         The Spring Quarterly General Meeting date has tentatively been scheduled for April 18, 2013 at Beltrami Electric at 7:00 pm

Next BOD meeting: February 21, 2013, Cabin Coffeehouse and Café, 3:00 pm

Next general meeting: January 24, 2013, Beltrami Electric, 7:00 pm
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 pm.  Motion: Moved by Harry to adjourn.  Seconded by Andrew.   Motion carried.

Minutes submitted by Jessica Sarauer.