March Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Headwaters Landlord Association Board of Directors Meeting

Date: March 21, 2013

Call to order: A Board of Directors meeting of the Headwaters Landlord Association was held in The Cabin Coffeehouse and Café, Bemidji, Minnesota on March 21, 2013. The meeting convened at 3:15 pm, Vice-President Kathy Guess, presiding, and Jessica Sarauer, note taker.
Members in attendance: Andrew Erholtz, Kathy Guess, Lorrie Richardson, Terry Duy

Members not in attendance: Harry Aylesworth (excused), Jeff Janiksela (excused), Duane Sea (excused)
Motion: Moved by Andrew to approve consent agenda.  Seconded by Jeff G.   Motion carried.
Treasurer report: A Treasurer report was not provided as Harry was absent from the meeting. Kathy gave an update on the tax information.  In 2011 she delivered accounting information to Mark Elliot (he also did the work for the non-profit status).  Mark sent a letter to the IRS, and the IRS said that the HLA could file within a certain period of time.  Kathy contacted Mark again and he explained that when new non-profit files their first taxes; the IRS wants to have a few years’ worth of taxes consolidated.  This gives the IRS a better look at the organization.  We should be able to file with 2 years of information.  We will also have to file an equivalent to the 990 Form (about 100 questions to answer).  As soon as Harry gets the 2012 tax information to Mark, Mark will send the information to the IRS.  We have 3 years to file.  

The group feels that there should be duplicate copies of important documents.

Motion: Moved by Lorrie to make copies of pertinent financial documents to store in Andrew’s office.  Seconded by Jeff G.   Motion carried.  

Terry handed in a $50 check from our newest member – Kelly Larson.

Lorrie brought up another tax issue with the vendor brochure printings – North Star Publishing said that we don’t have to pay for the tax of the service, if we provide them with a non-profit tax exempt number (which we may not have).  A special thanks to Lorrie for doing the vendor brochures.

Committee Reports

Membership List Committee

  • Kathy is concerned about new members who’ve never gotten an email from the HLA.  We need to make sure that every member, who has an email address, needs to be on the email list.  Andrew said we need a current list.  Lorrie suggested having a master copy of every member’s information at the next general meeting for people to verify that their information is correct.  Kathy wants to seriously consider investing in a database and having copies for all the Board members.

Membership Book Committee

  • Lorrie reported that we have to get information from vendor applications to put in the membership booklet. The Board decided to use the Bemidji Garden Club’s format. The booklet committee is moving forward and would like to have a deadline to have all vendor applications back to Lorrie by the end of April to be able to send the membership booklet to print.

Vendor List

  • Each Board member will take some vendor applications and hand them out. Andrew and Terry will take the extras and store them.

Upcoming Seminars

  • Lorrie handed out a handout on a Smoke Free Housing Seminar to be held April 4, 2013 in Walker at Chase on the Lake.  The start time is 12:00 pm.  This seminar outlines the procedure you have to follow to transition into smoke free housing.  This information will be posted on the webpage.

  • Kathy mentioned a Fair Housing Seminar to be held at Beltrami Electric on April 18, 2013 from 1-4 pm. The cost of this seminar is $59 for non MHA members.  This information is also posted on the webpage.

General Meeting Agenda

  • The Board decided to have a parking update from a member of the Joint Planning Board.  It was determined to invite them to talk for 10 minutes and have 20 minutes for discussion.  Kathy or Duane will be contacting Myana about presenting at the general meeting.  Jerry Linke will also be invited to attend to answer questions.

  • .  This will allow time to work with the fire department and October is fire prevention month. The board members are passing around the video so that they all can see it.

  • The topic for the general meeting was decided as “Advertising for Tenants.”  Andrew will be presenting the topics of computer listings, newspaper, and other types of advertising.  There will be a handout and computer demonstrations.

  • The Board decided not to cover selecting tenants this meeting, but decided to have a review of highlights from the Fair Housing Seminar.  Kathy and Jeff G. are going to try and go to the seminar.

  • Kathy suggested getting a save the date for the meeting out soon.

  • Information about the book (How to be the Smartest Renter on the Block) will also be announced again at the meeting.

Next general meeting: April 25, 2013, Beltrami Electric, 7:00 pm Board members are to arrive at 6 pm for A/V setup and last minute detail planning.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:38 pm.  

Minutes submitted by Jessica Sarauer.