September Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Headwaters Landlord Association Board of Directors Meeting

Date: September 27, 2012

Call to order: A Board of Directors meeting of the Headwaters Landlord Association, was held in The Cabin Coffeehouse and Café, Bemidji, Minnesota on September 27, 2012. The meeting convened at 3:06 pm, President Duane Sea, presiding, and Jessica Sarauer, note taker.

Members in attendance: Duane Sea, Jeff Grabowski, Andrew Erholtz, Terry Duy, Kathy Guess, Harry Aylesworth

Members not in attendance: Jeff Janiksela, Lorrie Richardson

Minutes last meeting: Minutes were emailed to Board members, but were not posted on website. Motion: Moved by Kathy to approve minutes by email. Seconded by Jeff G. Motion carried.

Treasurer report: Harry gave the treasurer report with today’s balance of $1675.11.  He reviewed withdrawals to Duane Sea ($100), Bemidji Pioneer ($200), and Red Zest Design ($450.38, which was $68.38 over budget) and a deposit from Mark Dickinson for $50. 

Motion: Moved by Kathy to approve the report and to reimburse Lorrie Richardson for $100 for prepaying Red Zest Design.  Seconded by Terry. Motion carried.

Old Business/Lawsuit

·         The lawsuit was unsuccessful.  The Association should have a formal response to the decision.  Duane handed out a potential response for a letter to the editor.  Options suggested were a letter to the editor, press release, display advertisement, or sitting down with a reporter for an article.  It was decided to write a letter to the editor. Kathy will put together a response using Duane’s letter and a response from Jeff G.  She will send it out to the other Board Members for review before sending to the Pioneer.

·         To file in District Court (for appealing), it would cost $350.  The Board discussed potentially helping members carry on, but could only help with possible court fees and not the $5,000-$10,000 legal fees.

Agenda Oct. 25th Meeting

·         City Council candidates and mayor candidates will be coming to the General Board Meeting.  Duane wants to have a format of the meeting and questions to help the candidates prepare.  Duane will invite all candidates to the meeting and email the Board members of who will be attending.

·         Each candidate will be given three minutes to explain their overall view of housing in Bemidji and how rental properties fit in.

·         There will be three moderators asking questions during the meeting. Duane, Kathy, and Andrew will be the three moderators and will meet next week to go over questions.

·         Questions will be limited to housing related issues and will need to be submitted before the meeting starts. Questions from members can be mailed, emailed, or phoned to Terry.  Terry will call membership to notify them about submitting questions and will email all members of the meeting.

·         A banner ad will be ran the day before the meeting in the Bemidji Pioneer “Candidate Forum on Bemidji Housing”

·         Harry suggested inviting Upstream TV to come to the general meeting and air the candidate questioning. Terry will contact William from Upstream to see if they are interested.

·         A Board of Directors Meeting will be held a half an hour before the general meeting.

New Business

·         Joint Group Planning Committee

Harry mentioned that the HLA might want to get involved in the Greater Bemidji Area Joint Planning Board to have a voice with things happening to rental properties.

·         Treasurer Purchase

Motion: Moved by Jeff G. to have Harry buy a roll of stamps.  Seconded by Terry. Motion carried.

·         Dues Reminder

Kathy suggested having Harry send out an invoice to all previous members letting them know dues are owed.  Harry will mail out invoices along with a flyer for the general meeting.


General Meeting

Thursday October 25, 2012, 7 pm, Beltrami Electric Coop meeting room

Board of Directors arrive early at 6:30 pm

Paypal has been activated on website to pay dues

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:22 pm.

Minutes submitted by Jessica Sarauer.