July General Meeting Minutes

Headwaters Landlord Association General Meeting Minutes

July 19, 2012 

Opening: A general meeting of the Headwaters Landlord Association was called to order at 7:04 p.m. on July 19, 2012 at Beltrami Electric, Bemidji, MN by President Duane Sea. 
Board Members Present: Duane Sea, Terry Duy, Kathy Guess, Lorrie Richardson, Harry Aylesworth, Jeff Grabowski, Andrew Erholtz 

Board Members not present: Ben Hein, Jeff Janiksela

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.  Motion carried.

Treasurer report: Kathy provided a copy of the Treasurer’s report and reported a previous balance of $945.59 and a current balance of $1740.49.  She reviewed all deposits, withdrawals, and bills to be paid.  
Motion: Moved by Terry to approve Treasurer’s report.  Seconded by Jeff G.   Motion carried.

Open Issues

  • Election of Officers: Nominees are as follows: Duane for President, Kathy for Vice President, Harry for Treasurer, and Terry for Secretary. Two year members will include Jeff G., Andrew, and Lorrie.  One year members will include Jeff J. Lorrie suggested the possibility of having members at large sit in during board meetings.  Nellie Withoff moved to approve the nominees for ballot. Seconded by Myrneth Halverson. Motion carried.  

  • Update on city lawsuit and options: Duane updated everyone on the details behind the lawsuit and stressed that if one’s name is on the lawsuit, they must show up to the court date or they automatically lose.  Court date is set for September 10, 2012 at 9 am.  The location will be held at District Court Judge John G. Melbye, Beltrami County District Court, Court Room 2 North, 600 Minnesota Ave. NW, Suite 108. 

New Business

  • Intro to new website: Lorrie and Andrew introduced the new website at www.headwaterslandlord.org.  The website was published the morning of July 19, 2012.  Among the areas included in the website is a password protected area designed for paid members of the Headwaters Landlord Association.  Headwaters Landlord Association does not endorse venders but does allow venders to become members to advertise and build their businesses.  Members are encouraged to send the Board ideas on what to include in the Members Only section on the website.            

  • New parking regulations:  Kathy, Lorrie, and Duane met with John Chattin regarding the new parking regulations near the BSU campus.  They were informed that permits would be competitive with the campus parking permits, around $150.  Since then, a parking committee was formed to discuss details.  Judy Davis and Jeff G. served on the parking committee.  During their first meeting, the parking regulation had already been determined.  The following points summarize that meeting:

  • The permit area would run from Birchmont to Bemidji and from 10th to 17th

  • Permits would be issued for the one year period from August 1 to July 31

  • The permit fee would be $30 per year with no prorated fees

  • A maximum of 112 permits would be issued

  • Only residents of the permit area, homeowners, or renters may purchase permits

  • Permits would be issued on a first come, first served basis.  Only one permit per residence would be issued with the opportunity of purchasing a second permit after August 31 if there are any available

  • Signage would be installed in the permit neighborhood indicating permit parking only, Monday through Friday from 7 am until 5 pm

  • Permits would be designed similar to the ones currently used in the city parking lots

  • Applicants would need to provide, at a minimum, their name, address, and vehicle year, make, model, and license plate number

  • Rental units that have been grandfathered, because of inadequate off street parking, will have priority in purchasing an adequate number of permits to allow parking for their residents

  • Visitor permits would be available, free of charge, if needed.  These permits would expire as reflected on the permit when issued 

  • Duane moved that the HLA oppose the proposed parking regulations.  Motion seconded by Elroy Erickson.  Motion carried.        

  • Annexation implications:  Duane discussed implications of property being annexed to the city along Birchmont Drive.  If a rental property is annexed, a letter is supposed to be sent to owners notifying them that they have 60 days to register or else pay a $500 registration fee.  Bemidji Township has a registration process; Northern Township does not.  Annexation is planned to go to Lakewood Drive.       

  • Appeals board:  Duane, Lorrie, and Kathy proposed a Tenant/Landlord’s Appeals committee to John Chattin to deal with rental ordinances.  This appeals board would be more specialized than the Zoning Committee within the city.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. by Duane Sea.  The next general meeting date will be determined at the next Board of Directors meeting.

Minutes submitted by Katelyn Larsen