November Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Headwaters Landlord Association Board of Directors Meeting

Date: November 15, 2012

Call to order: A Board of Directors meeting of the Headwaters Landlord Association, was held in The Cabin Coffeehouse and Café, Bemidji, Minnesota on November 15, 2012. The meeting convened at 3:06 pm, Vice President Kathy Guess, presiding, and Jessica Sarauer, note taker.
Members in attendance: Jeff Grabowski, Andrew Erholtz, Terry Duy, Kathy Guess, Lorrie Richardson, Harry Aylesworth
Members not in attendance: Duane Sea, Jeff Janiksela
Secretary report: Motion: Moved by Andrew to approve the minutes from the last
meeting. Seconded by Harry. Motion carried.
Treasurer report: Harry provided a copy of the Treasurer’s report and reported that two new memberships were received today. Bills from the Bemidji Pioneer (for the banner ad) and for the meeting room rental have not been received yet.
Motion: Moved by Andrew to approve the payment of the pending bills to Bemidji Pioneer (as well as to approve the paying charge increase of $50), the meeting room rental, and to Jessica Sarauer. Seconded by Jeff G. Motion carried.
Old business:
Networking open rentals
• People who are looking for rentals can send Kathy an email and she will forward the
information to the secretary (Terry) who will send (email) the person’s information out to the current membership. Jeff G. recommended putting a disclaimer in the email stating that the Headwaters Landlord Association has not screened the person.
Political Forum review
• Board members who were present thought the political forum successful and that
everyone who participated was positive, but there was poor attendance from the
membership. It was an educational opportunity for both HLA members and for the City
Council candidates.
Membership Renewal Letters
• Harry will be sending out renewal notices to members who have not paid dues for this
year. Terry and Andrew will be working on a flier to go along with the letter explaining
why people should stay involved. They will send the flier to Harry and he will include it
with the bill memo. The letter should be in the mail on December 1, 2012.
New business:
Minnesota Energy Resources 4U2 Program
• Andrew was in contact with Jesse Robinson from Minnesota Energy Resources. They
are working with low income tenants (who are paying the utility bill and the energy
source is natural gas) to insulate houses. Minnesota Energy Resources will do up to
$5,000 worth of work. There is an application that needs to be filled out by the tenant
(it gives Minnesota Energy Resources permission to look at the house’s insulation).
Andrew passed out the information to the other Board members and also will email that same information to them.
Motion: Moved by Harry to send the Minnesota Energy Resources information out to the
HLA members. Seconded by Jeff G. Motion carried.
Membership cards
• Andrew suggested that the HLA send out a membership certificates to new members with their name and paid through date. Other members suggested that instead of a certificate, a card could work better. The card will be made of cardstock (supplied by Harry) and will be sent to the membership. The card will be helpful when identifying oneself as a HLA member to Associate members. Andrew will draft a membership card and send it out to the other Board members for approval. He can also draft a certificate to discuss at the next meeting if he chooses.
Motion: Moved by Andrew to approve HLA issuing membership cards to paid members
with design to be chosen by committee. Seconded by Terry. Motion carried.

• Lorrie thought a handbook would add value to membership. The handbook could be a
one page brochure that would include information about the HLA (taken from bylaws)
in an easy to access format. Kathy suggested using the graphic from the website on the
handbook (the “for rent sign”). Lorrie will design the handbook.
Vendor Program
• Kathy suggested giving current vendors (associate members) memberships through
July 2014 at no cost because the Board will need another six months to figure out the
exact details of the vendor program. Having lifetime vendor membership was tabled.
Current vendors are listed on the website homepage with a contact phone number. Kathy suggested the application include a part for the vendor to describe their services, provide a website link, and email address.
Motion: Moved by Harry to approve extending current vendor members and others
who get a membership within the next six months until June 30, 2014. Seconded by Andrew. Motion carried.

Andrew suggested putting something in print of what the HLA associate membership
offers to vendors. Kathy suggested forming a committee that reports to the Board
Motion: Moved by Terry to form a vendor committee of Andrew, Terry, and Lorrie.
Seconded by Harry. Motion carried.

The vendor committee will design a brochure to give to potential vendors. The
brochure will include benefits for vendors including website exposure, showcase at
general meeting, email list, mailing list, members will have form of identification, and
membership through June 30, 2014. Lorrie knows someone who can help with brochures (we could offer her half price membership). The vendor committee will also review
the vendor application. An internship was also suggested as a way to get advanced web
design accomplished (such as using a vendor’s business card as the link to their website).
It was requested that the vendor committee notify the other Board members of their
meeting date, time, and location so they can stop by if they wish.
Upcoming workshops
• Harry is going to the Evergreen Housing presentation tomorrow.
• The city of Bemidji is hosting another Crime Free/Drug Free class on December 3 rd.
Next BOD meeting: December 13, 2012
For next meeting: Think of a good way to format the January general meeting and of what topics
to cover (i.e. rental agreements, security deposits, etc.)
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:27 pm.

Minutes submitted by Jessica Sarauer.